Wiley in Antisemitic tweetstorm denies having sex with 14-year-olds, in now-deleted video, says he is no STEIN

Campbell Writer
6 min readJul 25, 2020
Richard Kylea Cowie Jr. AKA Wiley
  • Wiley posts video to Instagram saying 12 police showed up at his door.
  • Wiley on days-long antisemitic Twitter rant followed by bizarre Instagram stories with vigorous denials that he did not have sex with two 14-year-old girls because he is not a STEIN.
  • Wiley posts link and video to “Strange Fruit” sung by Billie Holiday about lynching black men in the south. Hope he doesn't’ find out the song was written by a Jew.
  • Manager John Woolf, he was recently dropped by his record label a point that Wiley denies.
  • There are calls to have is MBE rescinded.

Richard Kylea Cowie Jr, MBE (Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) 41-year-old “Grime” rapper from East London has had a very bad week on Twitter and is only making it worse on Instagram posting bizarre videos.


UPDATE: Now deleted video from Wiley on Instagram, he alleges 12 cops show up at his door. The transcript of the video is below. It is likely that he is referring tot he Orthodox community with references to their own police force the volunteer force and separate section, though it is hard to tell.

“Listen you sent twelve police to my house. But if one of your people bumped me for 4.5 million pounds, do you think I could send police to their house? No, I would have to go [unintelligable] them down. Now do you understand what I am saying? It’s one rule for them and one rule for us. And its not above..I don’t care. Listen,in [unintelligable] you got your own section, you got your own police.
Mate don’t try it with me.” Wiley Instagram: 7/25/2020


At the same time, he seems to be trying to defend himself against accusations of sleeping with two 14-year-old girls.

“…Wiley sleeps with 14 year old girls…yea go and the find the two girls that you have accused me of sleeping with and go and ask them.” -Instagram Wiley 7/25/2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDycRZDzeh/

Perhaps accusations are triggering this meltdown against Jewish people as he seems to conflate two prominent Jewish men who have been accused of sexual predation. He also has gone on about how he has not been a STEIN, like a Weinstein or an Epstein.

“….Shut up. Pricks. I am a human being. I am not a Stein. I am not Stein I’m not Epstein or Weinstein …Don't try it with me….Mate, no one touched no 14 year old. Suck your mum.” — Instagram Wiley…7/25/2020



On Twitter, Wiley has been very active, despite having some tweets removed and restrictions placed on his account.

Image Courtesy of: Michael Elgort @just_whatever

Holding corn is slang for taking bullets according to the urban slang dictionary. It should be noted that it is unclear how any other reading of this sentiment is possible.

When asked to clarify his position by Michale Elgort (@just_whatever) Wiley

Image Courtesy of Michael Elgort @just_whatever 1:36 PM Easter· Jul 24, 2020 | Wiley replied: 2:39 PM Eastern· Jul 24, 2020

Wiley posted a one-word tweet referencing what appears to be the Jewish community again. With a single world tweet:

Cowards 6:29 AM July 25, 2020— Wiley (@WileyCEO)

Other tweets fall into a similar vein:


Zionist suck ya mum — Wiley (@WileyCEO) 10:28 Jul 25, 2020

Jewish community ya too touchy anyway Israel is not yours hold that. — Wiley (@WileyCEO) July 24, 2020

I cannot be upset about 2 sets of people killing each other on land that belongs to us anyway..That would be called Karma in my eyes. 8:18 AM · Jul 24, 2020·Twitter for iPhone — Wiley (@WileyCEO)

Some people have gotten too comfortable on lands that don’t belong to them. — Wiley (@WileyCEO) 7:23 AM Jul 24, 2020

While many of the more offensive tweets have been taken down, Wiley’s twitter account stays active.

He also is retweeting antismetic conspiracy theories


Wiley started tweeting the Billie Holiday song link, “Strange Fruit” a song about lynching. It might be a reference to the persecution he is feeling when people condem him for his hateful behavior. His problems are completely self-inflicted. With five lynchings in the United States in recent months, the comparison between outrage over his own comments actual murder is specious.

If Wiley had bothered to do his research, he would have found that the song lyrics were written in 1937 by a Jew, Abel Meerpol, a poem teacher who was appalled by lynchings of black men in the south by racists.

Some of the lyrics are below:

Southern trees bear a strange fruit,

Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,

Black body swinging in the Southern breeze,

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.


This is not the first time that Wiley has been accused of Antisemitism. According to The Guardian:

“In a string of tweets on Friday, he said: “Listen to me Jewish community Israel is not your country I’m sorry … The Star of David that’s our ting … Some people have gotten too comfortable on lands that don’t belong to them.” He also wrote “Israel is ours”, apparently referring to the black community, later referring to his comments as “Black History Lesson For Today”.”


Wiley has a special concern for his Jewish management team tweeting:

Infact there are 2 sets of people who nobody has really wanted to challenge #Jewish & #KKK but being in business for 20 years you start to understand [sic] why — Wiley (@WileyCEO) July 24, 2020

It is possible this is a reference to John Woolf, his Jewish manager. The company A-List Management had “cut all ties” with the musician following a series of social media posts made on accounts belonging to him on Friday.

Following Wileys antisemitic tweets today we at @A_ListMGMT have cut all ties with him. There is no place in society for antisemitism. Source

Wiley denies that he has been dropped as he speaks about himself in the third person.

Record label drops Wiley ? I am the record label LOL I would never drop myself — Wiley (@WileyCEO) 6:16 AM July 25, 2020

Wiley also posted this bizarre video of him, focused on the computer screen showing a story about in the Jewishnews.TimesofIsrael.com piece about his being dropped for Antisemitism.



If Wiley’s current behavior is related to stress, accusations, or just plain antisemitism, it is clear that staying off social media might be the best idea for the time being.

More will be known in a few days….



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